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Thank You to Our Underwriters and Sponsors

The Bouffant ~ $5,000

Nancy Ames and Danny Ward

Kathi Mosbacher and Mike Wheeler

Elizabeth and Gary Petersen

The French Twist ~ $3,000
Dorothy and Mickey Ables
Susan and Will Penland
The Dreamweaver ~ $1,500

Regina Rogers

Margaret Alkek Williams

The Pixie ~ $500
Ramona Davis
Joe and EE Kachinski

additional event donors

Michael Rudelson

Catering Sponsor ~ $10,000

Stephanie and Mark Deverka

Kim and Bill Sanchez

Corporate Sponsors
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Craft Cocktail
Sponsor ~ $5,000

Maria and Eduardo Morales

Wild Wig Contest

Sponsors - $3,000

Rose and Harry Cullen

Anne Kinder

Stacey and Al Lindseth

Photo Booth Sponsor ~ $1,500

Amy and Russ Freed

 Wig Kit Sponsors ~ $500
Ramona Davis
James Derrick and Carrie Patman
Rhonda and Michael Graff
Julie Hodges
Smith, Walker & Switzer Foundation
Shawnna Tuscai
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