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Group of Women Happiness Cheerful Concept

“We help women reclaim their identity, so they feel confident returning to work and family activities”

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Yoga Stretches

Get back to living your fullest life!

Pic for article 2

I am what I choose to become.

people, technology, advertisement and leisure concept - happy african american young woman sitting o

We've Got Your Head Covered!

Applying Makeup

Repurpose • Reclaim • Rejoice

Country Club 3

“When the spirit heals, the body heals too”

Together We Can Make a Difference.


WIG OUT provides quality wigs, headscarves, hats and toiletries to aid financially disadvantaged women and men suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.  


WIG OUT’s volunteers have a profound impact on improving the lives of women being served in our respective communities. We’d LOVE for you to join us on this journey.


Check back here for the latest news, events and info we can provide! This month we're feature our new Board of Directors.

50 years of

Group of Women Happiness Cheerful Concept

“We help women reclaim their identity, so they feel confident returning to work and family activities”

Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 11.38.57 AM


Yoga Stretches

Get back to living your fullest life!

Pic for article 2

I am what I choose to become.

people, technology, advertisement and leisure concept - happy african american young woman sitting o

We've Got Your Head Covered!

Applying Makeup

Repurpose • Reclaim • Rejoice

Country Club 3

“When the spirit heals, the body heals too”

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